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ADOPT-LCスコア : 肝硬変患者の術後院内死亡率予測ツール-

4.2 ( 272 ratings )
Geliştirici: CureApp, Inc.

Adequate Operative Treatment for Liver Cirrhosis (ADOPT-LC) Score

Using the Japanese nationwide database with more than 10 million patients, we developed a model for predicting in-hospital mortality of patients with surgical procedures (excluding liver resection or transplantation). This scoring system with simple parameters (patient age, Child-Pugh classification (A-C), Charlson Comorbidity Index, and estimated duration of anesthesia) was shown to provide higher predictive performance compared to Child-Pugh score (5-15 points) alone. By the use of this scoring system, this application software provides predicted in-hospital mortality calculated based on the 4 parameters you enter.
I hope that this calculator may enable determination of whether surgery is warranted in patients with liver cirrhosis.
This application software is developed or powered by Department of Gastroenterology (Liver Study Group), Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Health Economics at The University of Tokyo, and CureApp, Inc.

The article for evidence used in this application is under submission. Some modifications may be added until publication.